Friday, June 14, 2013

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I figured I'd start off by sharing a few of my favorite works of art, of all different mediums. I love quite a variety of completely different things, so it was a bit hard narrowing the list down to just a couple to share today.

The Urnes Stave Church, Norway, dated around 1132 AD
A very early Christian church in Norway that was built and decorated in the Viking style. I adore the carvings on the portals: interweaving dragons and snakes and what look like deer!

Apollo and Daphne, by Bernini, 1622-1625

My favorite sculpture in all of art history. Bernini was such a genius. The way he captured texture, the softness of skin, and movement was just incredible. Seeing this in person took my breath away. You feel as though the figures could come alive at any moment.

The Red Kerchief, by Claude Monet, circa 1868-1873

For some reason this, of all things, is my favorite painting by Monet. The moment I first saw it in the Cleveland museum, it never left my mind. I find it such a unique work of Monet's, so different in subject matter, color, and composition. It's mysterious to me, and very intriguing. If I could own for myself any painting in the world...this would actually be the one! 

Portrait of Adele Blochbauer, by Gustav Klimt, 1907

While most fawn over Klimt's The Kiss , I prefer this lovely portrait of a Jewish high-society woman from Vienna. The history of the painting is fascinating, and it's so beautiful, with all of it's gold leafing and the multitude of abstract patterns. 

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