Thursday, August 22, 2013

A new chapter

I apologize for once again being scarce around here lately. I just moved to the Cleveland area this past weekend and am undergoing an entire week full of commuting to the Case Western campus for grad school orientations and training and registering and all sorts of nonsense. It's tiring and stressful, but it's pretty exciting. I start classes next Monday and am taking three things: Art History Methodologies, Visual Arts & Museums I, and Contemporary Art: Critical Directions (which will be taught by an artist from Portugal!). The latter course I am both looking forward to and anxious about: my biggest weakness in this field of study is contemporary art, and it is also one of my least favorite genres. I've never actually taken a course dedicated entirely to contemporary art, so this will be an interesting experience for me. I figured I should go ahead and get it out of the way my first semester.

Once I get all settled into a better routine (still figuring out my sleeping/eating/bus-riding schedule), I will definitely start posting more often here. I have a bunch of exciting ideas which I'm looking forward to writing posts about, including another fashion post (this time inspired by the Dutch Golden Age paintings of Johannes Vermeer, made famous by the Scarlett Johansson film The Girl with the Pearl Earring). I have also been amassing a good collection of links to other art history blogs that I plan to make a post on and keep permanently posted somewhere on the blog.

In the meantime, I hope everyone's summer is going splendidly! I look forward to sharing more fascinating art history with you, as well as my own experiences in my Masters program here in Cleveland.

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